South Sudan is considered one of the world’s youngest nations in the world having gained independence in 2011. After years of conflict, the nation was set to the road of prosperity, unfortunately, shortly after independence, conflict soon broke out that affected most of the country. The conflict necessitated the brokering peace agreements between factions in the leadership that culminated in the formulation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement for the Resolution of conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) in 2018. The peace agreement is a good sign of the efforts towards nation building and prosperity but it is fragile and is yet to be fully implemented.
Years of conflict has had damning effects on the populations of South Sudan and exacerbated many of the existing problems and challenges the people face. Countless were left dead many of whom were presumably men and left women and girls vulnerable to the after math of war and conflict. The few infrastructure, social amenities and developments that were available were devastated by the conflict which has left a huge gap and most of the country is still suffering.
Considering all the above, Africa Life Aid was formed in order to save and alleviate the suffering of people across the region regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, and any affiliations.