

Explore Our Programs

Welcome to Africa Life Aid's Programs page.

Here, we outline our diverse initiatives aimed at transforming communities and improving lives. Our programs cover a wide range of thematic areas, from health and nutrition to peacebuilding and conflict management.

Through strategic interventions and community-driven approaches, we are committed to addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, and vulnerability.

Explore each program to understand our holistic approach to development and our dedication to creating sustainable change.


Our Programs

Africa Life Aid is committed to implementing a wide range of programs aimed at addressing the most pressing needs of communities in South Sudan and beyond. Through our holistic approach, we strive to empower individuals, promote resilience, and foster sustainable development across various thematic areas:

Health and Nutrition

Our health and nutrition programs focus on strengthening healthcare systems and community-driven initiatives to improve access to essential services and promote healthy living practices.

Livelihood and Food Security

We work with communities to identify sustainable livelihood initiatives and provide support during emergencies, ensuring households have access to food and opportunities for economic empowerment.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Africa Life Aid implements community-driven WASH programs aimed at promoting safe water handling practices, improving sanitation facilities, and raising awareness about hygiene for better health outcomes.

Child Protection and Education

We are dedicated to keeping children in school and ensuring their safety through education initiatives, advocacy for children’s rights, and support for vulnerable youth.

Women and Youth Empowerment

Our programs empower women and youth to realize their full potential through education, skills training, and advocacy for gender equality and women’s rights.

Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs)

Africa Life Aid provides shelter and NFIs to populations affected by conflicts and disasters, ensuring they have access to basic necessities and a sense of security.

Protection and SGBV Programming

We work to reduce vulnerabilities and protect the rights of individuals, especially women and girls, through prevention and response mechanisms for sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

Peacebuilding and Conflict Management

Our peacebuilding initiatives focus on promoting coexistence, engaging communities in peace processes, and advocating for positive social change to build peaceful and inclusive societies.

Cross-Cutting Themes

We address gender disparities, integrate our programs, and conduct assessments to ensure our interventions are tailored to the specific needs of communities and maximize their impact.

Explore our programs to learn more about how Africa Life Aid is making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

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  • Food

  • Water

  • Medical

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Empowering communities, transforming lives through sustainable development, resilience-building, and equality advocacy initiatives.



Diocese of Torit Compound,
Plot number 31,
Block No. AXV,
Hai Amarat,
South Sudan


Please feel free to contact us in order to offer your support