Projects & Impact


Projects & Impact

Welcome to the "Projects & Impact" page of Africa Life Aid, where we showcase our commitment to creating positive change and fostering resilience in communities across South Sudan and the broader region.

Through our diverse array of past and current projects, we strive to address urgent needs, empower individuals, and build sustainable solutions that uplift lives. From initiatives promoting gender equality and education to projects focusing on food security and peacebuilding, each endeavor reflects our unwavering dedication to making a tangible impact on the ground.

Explore our projects to discover the transformative power of collective action and solidarity in building a brighter future for all.

Past & Present

Past & Present Projects


  • Donor: Dutch Government Through Women International Peace Center (WIPC)
  • Activities:
    • Support regularly women groups meetings to discuss safety issues and develop lobby messages for advocacy at state/national level.
    • Organize lobby meetings with IGAD and AU focal points to influence SSR agenda.
    • Facilitate CSOs hold interface forums between IGAO, AU JMEC for SSR agendas information sharing.
    • Develop and share policy briefs with SDSB, IGAD, CTSAMM-VM and JMEC.
    • Organize briefing sessions with SDSB, IGAD, CTSAMM-VM and JMEC on policy briefs and recommendation for consideration of community voice.

Women Empowerment and GBV Prevention and Response in Terekeka County

  • Donor: Norwegian Peoples Aid-NPA
  • Activities:
    • Identified and trained women of high integrity within communities to act as “School Mothers” in 5 schools in Terekeka to provide personalized attention to individual needs of girls, boys at the schools as far as GBV is concerned.
    • Improved the safety and security of girls and boys in 5 schools through engaging the school managers and PTAs in identifying risks and threats to pupils and teachers with a beneficiary base of 1667 girls, 2201 boys, 13 women and 58 men school communities.
    • Improved the awareness on the general population in Gwor, Terekeka and Nyori Payams on need to ensure the girl child has uninterrupted access to education devoid of early pregnancies, forced marriages reaching approximately 76,946 persons among them 24,623 girls, 21,545 boys, 16,928 women and 13,850 men.
    • Empowered 27 women in local dress making, production of reusable sanitary pads and provided them with the sewing machines and tools and material.
    • Mentored 300 school girls in self-discipline, impact of early pregnancies on early marriages, importance of education now and future. 15 girls have been supported to return to school after dropping out due to early pregnancies.

Supporting Vulnerable Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Kajokeji

  • Donor: ALA Membership
  • Activities:
    • Supported over 60 persons living with HIV/AIDS in Kajokeji to access Anti-Retro Virals (ARVs) service from Palorinya Refugee camp in Moyo.
    • Provided psychosocial support and referral for HIV/AIDS clients with OIs to health facilities.
    • Created synergy with partners in Food Security and Livelihood cluster to provide nutrition support to HIV clients.
    • Provided counseling services to pregnant women living with HIV on mother-to-child prevention.

Preventing Early and Child Teenage Pregnancies in Magwi during COVID-19

  • Donor: CARE International
  • Activities:
    • Established the underlying causes of the many cases of early pregnancies as a result of Covid-19 lockdown in Magwi through a consultative forum, social interactions.
    • Designed an intervention that was evidence-based to counter the underlying causes of pregnancies among school girls during the Covid-19 lock down.
    • Carried out mentorship sessions with girls in schools in Lobone, Pajok, Magwi and Pageri Payams and impart them with knowledge on their sexuality and the associated risks.

Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform

  • Donor: UN-WOMEN
  • Activities:
    • Enhanced the capacities of 39 Women community-based organizations to influence County, State, and national peace-building processes.
    • Conducted 3 community sensitization meetings on the security sector reforms, the expected institutional and legal reforms, and how reforms can be made more gender-responsive and inclusive to improve individual and community safety and security.
    • Conducted 3 community dialogues/role play exercises to allow women to review their own concepts of security and insecurity and to raise awareness on how to report and handle cases of insecurity with 300 participants.
    • Trained 4 women’s groups/CSOs to effectively participate in reporting security and human rights violations, including all forms of violence experienced by women and girls in public and private spaces.
    • Conducted 2 trainings/mentorship sessions to strengthen capacities of political, religious, and community leaders in targeted communities to promote positive gender/social norms on ending all forms of violence against women and girls. 40 leaders participated in the training.

Distribution of NFI and Shelter Material for Mundri-Rokon IDPs

  • Donor: Norwegian Church Aid
  • Activities:
    • Conducted an assessment and profiled the IDPs according to their needs, gender, age among other factors.
    • Distributed NFI and shelter material to Internally Displaced Persons in Mundri-Rokon.


Geographic Areas of Operation

Africa Life Aid operates primarily in Central Equatoria State, Eastern Equatoria State, and Western Equatoria State within South Sudan, focusing on regions deeply affected by conflict and humanitarian crises. Through our strategic presence, we aim to extend our reach and impact to the most vulnerable populations in these regions, providing essential assistance and fostering sustainable development.

This page provides a glimpse into the breadth and depth of our projects, illustrating our commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

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Empowering communities, transforming lives through sustainable development, resilience-building, and equality advocacy initiatives.



Diocese of Torit Compound,
Plot number 31,
Block No. AXV,
Hai Amarat,
South Sudan


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